Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dearest. . .

Dear Lovely Girls,

Some people may think that happy people are just naturally happy...and that it takes no work at all to see the bright side, offer a smile and laugh things off when it might be easier to take offense your let things ruin your day.

If you are one of those happy people who work so hard to remain cheerful and live in a state of gratitude, especially when times are hard and life is rough....give yourself a little bit of credit and pat yourself on the back...most of all, keep up the great work.

If, lovely girls, you always thought that some people were born happy and others weren’t, and that there’s just nothing you can do about it...take heart! You can work every day towards being a happy, positive, grateful, cheerful and content is some of the most important and best work that you will ever do for yourself and those around you.

Happiness is a gift that we give to ourselves...but it has such far reaching blessings to those around us. Everyone who loves us wants us to be happy...but we must choose happiness and work towards it. One of the best ways to be happy is to forget ourselves and go out and serve in the world.....spreading happiness is an almost fail-proof way to live the happiest life we could ever imagine.

It is worth it...for you, for everyone.
Choose happiness, lovelies, you can do are worth it and it will make an enormous difference everywhere you go, and in everything that you do.

You are so loved.

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