Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Trading Spaces

So I am doing this 30 day picture album on my facebook. . . Each day is a question that you add a picture to, like 'A picture of something you love', 'A picture of who has stuck it out the longest with you' and so on and so forth. 
Today is day six and the question is ' A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day'. . . . 

So I actually thought really hard on this one. . . 

So at first I had this one:

It's Agelina Jolie.... one day with Brad Pitt, and juicy lips. Need I explain more? 

Then Came my next thought. . . 

Interesting question, and I'm going to take a slightly different approach to it, since the wording was pretty open ended. I imagine that spending a day in somebody's shoes would be a great lesson in empathy. With that in mind, I would choose to spend a day as my best friend. While we've been together for about three years, I know that I am anything but perfect. Mind you this is just a theory, but perhaps it would be easier for me to identify and fix my more glaring imperfections with the added perspective of walking a mile in his shoes.

Who would you trade places for a day? 

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