Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mother of all Mothers. . . .

Mothers. . .
You can't live with them. . .
You can't live with out them. . .

After some topic about mothers tonight, I started to reflect on my own mother. She's crazy. Highly Liberal and Highly opinionated (if she thinks your an idiot she will tell you, you sound like an idiot.) She is the most compassionate woman I know. . . and I mean that. And if you make her pissed. . . you better run.

It got me wondering what I was going to be like when I become a mother.

Many say they don't want to be like their parents when they have kids of their own. Although my mother has her flaws like every one else on this planet, I hope I'm like her. . .

I hope. . . and what I want to do. . .

I'm fun loving

I will always know what to say to my kids

I'll will support my kids in everything, even if I don't completely agree.

I'll lay in bed with them and cry with them when their heart is broken.

                *       *      *       *       *
My kids will love the music I pick. . . cause I'll be hip like that.

I'll be at every soccer game, play, music recital, art show, Anything my little ones want to do. . . I want them to reach for the stars when they go for their dreams.

I'll love them. . . for their light and dark

Music will blast through out my house, and we will dance and giggle and be a family.

My kids friends will (hopefully) think I'm the "bomb" (or whatever the hip word at that time)

Although my kids and I will fight, I hope they know that I will always love them.

When I read stories to them, I will put on characters voices and entertain them to show books are better then T.V.

Holidays will be big. We'll even make up holidays!

We'll travel and have fun and learn everything about this beautiful world.

I'll protect them if anyone messes with them

I'll teach them about the gospel, let them know it is the true church, Yet let them experience life and differences too.

* * * *

My mother has done all this for me and so much more. . .
I hope I can be this for my little ones.

Thank you mom. I love you. You are a great mother and my best friend. 

Peace and Love

Laurel Evelyn

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful... and I love the pictures.
    What would we do without our loving moms?
