Monday, November 29, 2010

What I really want.

“You are wonderful and you have within you the potential to do great and marvelous and good things. Don’t let anyone stop you, don’t let anybody get in your way, don’t get sidetracked on some venture of one kind or another that might injure you and hurt you... Stand tall, do what is right, count on the Lord and He will bless you in a wonderful way” (-President Gordon B. Hinckley).
I love this. . . This was most uplifting and exactly what I need to see at this time. 

Everyone at one point has been asked, "What do you want?"

I have been asked this a thousand times and gave the same answers over and over. It's time to really think about what I want, if I want to work for it, and what it's going to take to get there. 

1. I want to go to BYU. For those who have known me, I have been against going to BYU for years. Why the sudden change?
I believe that BYU is what I need. To be around individuals who believe and show the same beliefs I have. I want to have a class prayer before a class. I want to strengthen my testimony and become a better example of the church. I might not have the grades or not good enough. But it's a righteous desire, to better my self and learn more what our Heavenly Father wants me learn. 

2. I want to figure my self out. I don't want someone telling me who I am, what I love, what I believe, what I'm going to do. This is my life. Not yours. Back off. I love you, but please, let me figure myself out. 

3. I want to travel. If only I had the money. I would like to just grab a backpack and travel. I'll be a street performer if I need the money. I want to see the world and what was put here for us discover. 

4. I want to love, who and what I want to love. 

5. I want to be a good mormon. Now I don't want to be the stereotype mormon who has a BOM up their. . . well you know what. But I want to actually be the basics of what I believe. No judging, loving one another, be like christ. Harder said then done. . . But I believe it can be done. We just need to be non hypocritical, it can be done. I believe it can be. 

6. I want to be a good wife. A fun loving, supportive, have a good laugh with and there for him to cry, wife. I want to get sealed in the temple. But this means I want a good husband. Who is going to love me for my light and dark. . . and I'll do the same for him. 

7. To go with number six, I want to be a good mother. (Read earlier blog post. Pretty much sums it up) 

There is so much I want, and want to be. I hope I can achive them. 

Love and peace. 


  1. Dearest Laurel,
    I have felt these exact same things of late. Not going to BYU particularly (although it's a great school), but figuring myself out, bettering myself, and living life to the fullest. I love ya and know that whatever you set your mind to you can achieve it! :)

  2. Laurel, I am so proud you know what YOU want to gain in this world, and wish to fight daily to obtain these dreams. This is the Laurel love; Never content with the minimum achievements.
    I hope that everywhere you go in this life, you succeed in everything you strive so vigorously to accomplish.
