Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lets Start this. . . shall we.

Well. . . I did it. Took a while but here I am with the rest of you. 
Blogging. . . 
why did I start this? To be like everyone else. Well I don't believe I'm like everyone else. . . Because everyone has their own thoughts and ideas that want to be shared or in our case, viewed.
I'm a writer.
Well hoping to become one anyway. I can't be publish so why not publish myself. Sounds good. I hope. 
My question and concern. . . or rather my fear is  . . . 

will I be read?  

Or will I become a blogger who only five. . .maybe six people will read. . .We shall see. So thank you to who ever will read these. Thank you for listening to my random thoughts and wishes. 

Well. . . here I go. 


  1. I am your first follower :)

    Laurel dear, I am one of those bloggers who only has 5 or 6 people reading my blog. But I must tell you, I have begun to write for myself instead of for the world, or cyberspace... as we know it. ;)

    But, whether it's just me, or you have a whole plethora of bloggers following you, I'm sure your posts will be wonderful. :) It gets fun... It's like a cute journal.

    Love you, welcome to the blogging world.

  2. Hooray for blogs! I'll read yours if you'll read mine! :)

  3. Eh, I think I only have 5 or 6 readers myself. You can come join the lonely ranks. I'm looking forward to reading your blog!
