Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sneak Peek of Ch 1 &2 . . . Tell me what you think?

So this is something I have been on for like . . . . THREE YEARS. Its the first two pages. First two chapters too. . . . I really want to see if this is a waste of time or individuals might actually enjoy it. . . Tell me what you think! No pressure. . . . but this is ALL UP TO YOU!

Peace, hugs and smiles my silent (but hopefully my responsive)  readers.

Emma & Peter
By Laurel Evelyn

Winter hot coco . . .Peter
I remember watching her from the table I was at. She was young and full of life. And I was just a scruffy New Yorker drinking my caramel hot coco. I must have looked like a fruit to her, but at that moment I didn’t care for she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.            
            I had been watching her since October, she was like something from my past that I couldn’t remember . . . and I desperately wanted her to be in my future and the only two sad things about this relationship was that I didn’t know her name and the only words I had ever said to her was “Venti Please” when really I wanted to burst out and say “I love you!”      . . . how pathetic am I? Yet she still had that warm smile that could melt away any December storm and was melting my heart. . . okay it’s official. I’m really pathetic.

New York weirdo’s . . . Emma.
And there he is. . . my New York stalker. . . I guess every girl in New York has one, but this is just weird. He comes in every Tuesday and orders a caramel hot coco, sits at the window table and looks at me when he thinks I’m not looking. At first I thought this was very flattering . . . now it’s just bizarre. He’s not very handsome . . . okay, I take that back. If he shaved the 5 o’clock shadow, combed his hair, and maybe, just maybe put some deodorant on, he might just be good looking. There is one thing that’s good about him; he has great eyes, very familiar eyes . . .
Oh no. He’s getting up. Is he going to actually have the balls to talk to me today . . .Nope? There he goes out the door . . .I wonder what he would do if I quite this job.
Maybe he would stalk Mai Ling at the laundry mat a few shops down the way. ha ha that would be funny. 

So. . . . . what do you think? really, if you hate it. Tell me! please! If you do like it. . . tell me that too. I'll post some stuff about it soon, like what it's about and stuff. Thanks for letting me waste five to ten minutes of your life. Oh! and I know about spelling and grammar errors, I know I have lots. . . that why I won't look at that until the whole thing is finished. 



  1. The boy. . . Peter. . . . seems more like a girl then Emma does. . . .
    I want to know more about these two, so I can give you more of a opinion. please and thank you.

  2. Peter and Emma remind me of these two certain people that I sat next to in a Seminary class...

    I honestly think I need to see the story unfold a little more before I can draw a good opinion though,

  3. Aaronisdabomb. . . . .

    they are not the same two people you sat next to in seminary . . . . I'm putting up the next few pages on Wednesday.
